Root canal treatment is carried out when the nerve and blood vessels within a tooth become infected and die. If root canal treatment is not carried out these teeth can often become very painful, lead to infection or even tooth loss.
During your consultation or check-up, your dentist will inform you whether or not this treatment is necessary, and talk you through any questions you may have.
Endodontic treatment is a complex and highly skilled procedure. It is usually done over a number of appointments. At each appointment the tooth will first be numbed using local anaesthetic – this is done as comfortably as possible and we try and ensure it is pain free.
On the first appointment, access is made to the infected nerve tissue within the tooth. Time is then taken to carefully clean and disinfect the entire root canal system within the tooth, and remove any inflamed pulp or nerve tissue, and ant debris. At the end of the appointment, a temporary filling will be placed.
On the second appointment, the temporary filling is removed and the dentist will ensure the whole tooth has been cleaned effectively. They will then proceed to fill the root canal system with specially designed filling material and seal the top of the tooth with a filling. Several x-rays will be taken through the procedure to ensure it is as successful as possible.
This will be discussed with you prior to starting any treatment, but most teeth require a strong covering as endodontic treatment can weaken the tooth as it is effectively hollowed out. These teeth often require a crown, which can be thought of like a helmet, to protect the tooth.
Afterwards you can sometimes experience some discomfort, as you would after any slightly invasive procedure, but this should be easily managed with pain relief and should subside after a couple of days.
During root canal treatment, the nerves, within the tooth are carefully removed and the root canal system is cleaned, shaped and disinfected to remove the causes of the infection that is responsible for the dental pain or abscess. The special filling material is then placed inside the root canals to fill the spaces and prevent bacterial re-infection.
After a root canal treatment, a filling is placed on front teeth, if they are not extensively broken and a crown is placed on your back teeth.
This is hands down the most common question we get asked at our dental surgery. Root canal treatment should not be painful once you have been given a local dental anaesthetic. If it is, you can ask your dentist for more anaesthetic.
Root canal treatment should take 2 or 3 appointments.
Appointment 1 – diagnosing the problem with x-rays and a check-up
Appointment 2– cleaning the root canal system and disinfection of the tooth to remove the bacteria
Appointment 3 – filling the tooth
Root canal treatment has been shown to be very successful to save a tooth that would otherwise require removal. After root canal treatment, as long as teeth are looked after in a similar way to the other teeth, these can often survive for many years without any problems.
We believe in providing high quality and ethical dentistry to our patients, whilst providing bespoke treatments to cater for all their needs.
Dr Azeem Mirza
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